Terms and conditions & privacies policy

These Terms & Conditions (“Terms”) of (a) use of our website www.servyou24.com (“Website”), our applications (“Application”) or any products or services in connection with the Application/, Website/products (“Services”) or (b) any modes of registrations or usage of products, including through mobile , tablets or other device are between Think & Learn Private Limited (“Company/We/Us/Our”) and its users (“User/You/Your”). These Terms constitute an electronic record in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 thereunder, as amended from time to time. Please read the Terms and the privacy policy of the Company (“Privacy Policy”) with respect to registration with us, the use of the Application, Website, Services and products carefully before using the Application, Website, Services or products. In the event of any discrepancy between the Terms and any other policies with respect to the Application or Website or Services or products, the provisions of the Terms shall prevail Your use/access/browsing of the Application or Website or the Services or products or registration (with or without payment/with or without subscription) through any means shall signify Your acceptance of the Terms and Your agreement to be legally bound by the same. If you do not agree with the Terms or the Privacy Policy, please do not use the Application or Website or avail the Services or products. Any access to our Services/Application/products through registrations/subscription is non transferable


We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your Information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect Information we process and maintain. For example, we limit access to this Information to authorized employees only who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our Application/Services/products/Website. Please be aware that, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.

Our service

We at servyou24 primarily aid you by providing information in finding safe and secured mode of travel & professional service . We have developed a platform based on the internet, which provides information about third party, independent valid permit holder drivers,certified technicians, transportation providers or vehicle operators (Business Vendors) who have enrolled with us in online taxi aggregation platforms and still remain to be so. You would be able to collect such information from the website as well as the Application. All services provided by us to you by means of your use of this Website or the Application are hereafter referred to as the "Service".

By using this Website, Service and the Application, you contract with " servyou24 " and you shall perform your part as according to the covenants hereinafter described. While you begin with us, you will have to sign up with " serv you24 " , providing your personal information requested. No information regarding your Bank Account or Credit/Debit Cards needs to be provided at any stage of our contractual relationship with us. On your declaration of the information provided to be true and correct, we will generate an online personal account (“Account”) for your personal operation, protected with a otp of your choice, through which you access to the Services.


You shall provide us with the location, the time at which you require the service, the destination etc. and shall submit a request and processing your preferences, we shall provide you with a list of Business Vendors with rate and information regarding the Business Vendors - including name, vehicle, and customer service rating - and the ability to contact the Business Vendor by telephone. " Serv you 24 " shall procure reasonable efforts to bring you into contact with a Business Vendors suiting your preferences in order to obtain services, subject to the availability of Business Vendors in or around your preferred location at the moment of your request for transportation services. " Serv you24 " does not provide transportation services. Only provides information about Business Vendors.


subject to the Ride Advantage Services Terms and Conditions where relevant. All express or implied guarantees, warranties, representations, or other terms and conditions relating to theseCustomer Terms or their subject matter, not contained in these Customer Terms, are excluded from these CustomerTerms to the maximum extent permitted by law. Without limiting clause, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Law:

(i) the Application and Services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and We make no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding

(a) the condition, performance, accuracy, completeness, merchantability, reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, availability or fitness for a particular purpose of theServices or the Application;

(b) that the Services or the Application will be uninterrupted or error-free;

(c) the compatibility of the Application with any other technology; or

(d) the quality, suitability, safety or ability of theDrivers

(ii) the information, recommendations and Services We provide to You (whether on or through the Application or via Our call centre) are for general information purposes only and do not constitute advice;

(iii) You acknowledge and agree that the Application and Services are merely an electronic platform to facilitate the aggregation of Vehicles to provide Rides, and professional services. We do not in any manner provide transportation or logistics services or function as a transportation or logistics carrier; and

(iv) We do not endorse, advise or recommend any of the Drivers or technicians , nor do We guarantee or provide any assurance in respect of the behaviour, actions or data of the Drivers & ttechnicans (or other users) posted on theApplication,and You agree that the entire risk arising out of any Ride remains solely with You, to the maximum extent permitted under Applicable Law.

Nothing in these Customer Terms excludes, restricts or modifies any right or remedy, or any guarantee, warranty or other term or condition, implied or imposed by any legislation which cannot lawfully be excluded or limited.


By granting GPS permission, you agree that Servyou24 may collect and use your GPS location data to provide you with the best possible service. This includes using your location to find service providers near you, to track the progress of a service, and to improve the accuracy of our maps.

You may revoke GPS permission at any time in the App settings. However, if you revoke GPS permission, you may not be able to use all of the features of the App.

Servyou24 will not sell or share your GPS location data with third parties without your consent. We will only use your GPS location data for the purposes described above.

You have the right to access, correct, delete, and restrict the use of your GPS location data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your GPS location data and to have your GPS location data transferred to another company.


The Application allows You to send a request to make a booking for a Ride or professional services Once You have made a request :

(i) You must ensure that Your Device is turned on and configured appropriately (e.g. GPS is active), and theApplication is active; and

(ii) We will accept or decline Your booking based on the availability of Drivers or technicians at Your location at the pickup time,and inform You via an SMS, push notification or confirmation screen in the Application.

While We endeavour to connect You with a Driver or technicians, Your request for a Ride or services is subject to the availability of a Driver or technicians Around Your location at the time of Your request (and Drivers or technicians may accept or reject Your request for their sole and absolute discretion).

Once Your request for a service or Ride has been accepted, We will provide:

(i) You with a booking confirmation through the Application, and information regarding the Driver or technicians (including theDriver’s or technicians name, Vehicle details (including registration number and model), mobile phone number, a picture of theDriver or technicians and any other details We consider appropriate); and

(ii) the Driver or technicians with Your details necessary to enable the Driver or technicians to provide the service

While We require each Driver or technicians to use all reasonable efforts to ensure their Vehicle arrives prior to Your requested pick-up time or service, You must book Your Ride or service after considering any adverse conditions such as the weather, traffic,roadworks, and other unexpected delays such as traffic accidents. If there is any delay by the Vehicle in reachingYour pick-up location or home address for service , You should contact the Driver or technician assigned for Your Ride through the Application or by contacting us at our call centre.

You must also ensure that You or a legally consenting adult travel in the Vehicle at all times during a Ride and to notleave either a minor unaccompanied or any personal effects, electronics or luggage unattended any time in theVehicle or during the Ride.

Except as expressly stad in these Customer Terms, Our obligations are limited to:

(a) managing and operating theApplication and Services in the manner reasonably determined by Us;

(b) being an online booking platform facilitating the provision of Rides or services by Drivers or technicians to You (and Our other customers); and

(c) payment collection in respect of the Rides or services Between Driver or technicians and You (and Our other customers). Accordingly, We are merely an intermediary providing online marketplace services and the Application and Services are only a platform where a Driver may offer a Ride or technicians may offer services to You(and Our other customers)

The contract for the Driver ’s or technicians provision, and Your receipt, of the Ride or services will be a contract solely between the Driver or technicians andYou. At no time will We have any obligations or liabilities in respect of such contract


Where Your request for a Ride or service has been accepted, You must check the booking details on the booking confirmation We provide You, including the pick-up time or booking status and location (Booking Confirmation). If there are any incorrect details on the Booking Confirmation, You must contact Us immediately by correcting Your booking details through the Application or by calling Our call centre.

You are responsible for any delay that may be caused due to Your failure to check the Booking Confirmation or contact Us immediately to correct the booking PAYMENT


You will be charged and must pay the Total Ride Fee or service charge for the Service. We collect the Total Ride Fee or service (plus any additional amounts and/or less any deductions agreed between serv you24 and the Driver or technicians ) on behalf of the Driver or technicians.

You will be charged any reasonable costs required to clean or repair the Vehicle caused or contributed to by You during a Ride or service (fair wear and You expected ). We will facilitate payment for such costs on behalf of the Driver or technicians

Payment of the Total Ride Fee or service cost will be facilitated by a payment gateway and/or payment processing services provider appointed by Us (Payment Processor). The Payment Processor may be serv you24 , one of Our related bodies corporate or unrelated third party.

You will be required to provide relevant payment details including upi or credit/debit card details (Payment Details) with the Payment Processor in order for Us to process payment of the Total Ride Fee or service charges , and You hereby authorise the Payment Processor to do so. Your authorisation:

permits the Payment Processor to debit or credit the upi account, bank account or debit/credit card account associated with Your Payment Details including on an automated process at scheduled times and with alternative methods of payment in the event initial or subsequent attempts fail;

(ii) permits the Payment Processor to use Your Payment Details for the processing of transactions initiated by You

(iii) will remain in effect as long as You maintain an Account with Us (and if You delete Your Payment Details or Account, We and the Payment Processor will not be able to process any further transactions initiated by You); and

(iv) is subject to any other terms and conditions of the Payment Processor specified through the Application or Services from time to time.

We shall also be responsible for issuing invoices to You (on behalf of the Driver or technicians ) for the transport services provided by the Driver for the Ride or technicians for the services and also for the Convenience Fee for the Services provided by Us.

We will be solely responsible for settling any payment related disputes between Drivers or technicians and You. In case of any such dispute, any decision taken by Us in good faith will be final and binding on You and the Driver or technicians.

If any amount paid by You is fully or partially refundable for any reason such amounts will be credited to Your Account(so it can be applied against any subsequent Ride(s)) or refunded to You in accordance with and subject to ApplicableLaw.

Any payment processing-related issue not caused by an error or fault with the Application must be resolved by You and the relevant Payment Processor.

In the event of a default or failure to pay the Total Ride Fee for any reason by You:

(i) You will be responsible, and must pay, for all costs incurred by Us (including costs for which We may becontingently liable) in any attempt to collect any monies owed by You to Us under these Customer Terms including debt collection agent costs, repossession costs, location search costs, process server costs andsolicitor costs on a solicitor/client basis; and

(ii) We may charge You, at our discretion, interest on all overdue and reasonably undisputed amounts at an annualrate


You may cancel Your request for a Ride or service from a Driver or technicians at any time, however if You cancel five(5) minutes or more after the Driver or technicians is allotted to Your request, You will be charged a Cancellation Fee. The Driver or technicians may cancel Your request for a Ride or service where that Driver is waiting at Your requested pick-up location for five(5) minutes or more or such other time period as may be specified by Us in our cancellation policy updated from time to time (Free Cancellation Time Period) after the pick-up time specified in the Booking Confirmation.

If the Driver or technicians does not arrive at Your pick-up location within the Free Cancellation Time Period after the pick-up time or promised time specified in the Booking Confirmation, You will not be charged any Cancellation Fee.

You will be notified of any Cancellation Fee through the Application at the time You attempt to cancel Your request for a Ride or services , and any Cancellation Fee payable by You will be processed by Us in accordance with clause

Refund Policy

Servyou24 does not collect cash or accept advance payments. Therefore, no refunds will be issued for any services that have been rendered.

Exceptions :

The following exceptions apply to the refund policy:

If the service was not rendered as promised, Servyou24 may issue a partial refund.

If the service was cancelled by the technician before complete , Servyou24 may issue a refund.

The time period within 12hr which a refund request must be made.

The process for requesting a refund, including the documentation that must be provided.

The criteria for issuing a refund, such as the service not being rendered as promised or the service being stopped by the technician before complete

The method for issuing refunds, such as by check, wire transfer, or credit card

How to Request a Refund :

To request a refund, please contact Servyou24 customer service at servyou24@gmail.com


You must not smoke or consume any alcohol, tobacco or illicit substances in or near any Vehicle, misbehave in or near any Vehicle, distract a Driver, act in violation of Applicable Laws, or otherwise act in any way which a Driver(acting reasonably) considers will risk the safety of You, the Driver or any other person.

If You breach clause, We may immediately suspend the Services and/or Your use of the Application (includingYour Account)

Our contact details

Your personal information is collected by servyou24. You can contact Us servyou24@gmail.com . You can address Your enquiry to Our “Privacy Manager”.

Our Privacy policy

our Privacy Policy contains more information about Our privacy practices, including:

i. how You can access any personal information which We hold about You;

ii. how You can seek the correction of such personal information; and

iii. Our complaint-handling practices.

You should read Our Privacy Policy in conjunction with this privacy collection statement`